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Black Raccoon Newsletter July 24

Black Raccoon Newsletter July 24

July 02, 20240 min read
Black Raccoon Consulting NewsletterBlack raccoon Consulting newsletter July 24Black raccoon Consulting newsletter July 24Black raccoon Consulting newsletter July 24Black raccoon Consulting newsletter July 24Black raccoon Consulting newsletter July 24Black raccoon Consulting newsletter July 24

Ryan Charlesworth

the Managing Director of Black Raccoon Consulting and an expert connector. A fitness business and gym consultancy that offers personalised solutions to help generate success for Independent gyms Franchise club, Hotel gyms and leisure trusts.

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We interview some of the most influential people in the fitness industry and pick their brain about what works best, what we should be looking at next, how best to achieve success and more importantly how they got to where they are now.

Guests have included: Casey Conrad, Dave Wright, Richard Synnott, Andy King, Bobby Verdun, Mel Tempest, Lisa Keucker, Steve Jensen, Richard Grey, Micahel Boyle and many more

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